Pioneers:  Island Cocoa Project

About Pioneers: Island Cocoa Project

BLESS is excited to partner with Pioneers to fund the Island Cocoa Project.

This business project, located in Southeast Asia, is an opportunity to start a church planting movement among an unreached people group (UPG)!

A local business built around a local product like cocoa is a beautiful way to shape a foundation of trust. The company employs 21 locals, enriches the community, and offers connections with locals that provide an opportunity to share the Gospel, start Bible studies, and eventually plant the first local church among this UPG.

Pioneers’ expansion plan for this business will allow missionaries to hire 40 locals and work with 60 farmers. This strategic growth will provide financial sustainability for long-term ministry.

Your partnership will change the future of this UPG, making the Gospel known while showing a love that helps lift local families out of poverty!

Please help us fund the entire project!